B ERL Cosmetics Title Night of appreciation along with 7000 Members

B Erl Cosmetics Title Night of appreciation along with 7000 Members - Successfully run its business in the country with a very positive reception, local cosmetics and skincare brand-B ERL Cosmetics deploying appreciation night entitled B ERL Awards 2018 – Empowering People.

The event of appreciation to distributors, agents and resellers was attended thousands of members meet room Audiorium BPPT, Jalan Thamrin, Central Jakarta.

Founder is also the CEO of Erlyanie Cosmetics ERL B claims to be happy to share their knowledge and experience of life with many people, especially women who want to change the welfare of his life by providing special attention to family.

"This great Event as the event of appreciation to distributors, agents and resellers are overachievers. This event also became the media supply, motivation and sharing from experts, "said Erlyanie.

So, other than as evidence of appreciation B ERL Cosmetics business, founded Erlyanie from zero is also not forgotten knowledge sharing, provisioning as well as motivation to all members given by the motivators-motivational speaker.

As a co-founder of CEO at once Biilionaire Store Gods Eka Prayoga which explains Why Strong in doing business.

Then the exposure the concept of Indonesia by the founder of the community of States Empowered Merchants Nusantara Rendy S.

Don't miss the theatrical offerings in some Muslim who was also the founder of the school of Business Online (SBO) Muri Handayani along with two cubs.
